Words from our clients and friends
Testimonials are the most powerful resource that
have allowed our organization to measure the
effectiveness of our Recovery Coaching services,
and share the same level of satisfaction as achieved by our clients.
Sessions with Meena helped me to believe in myself and my powers. She persuaded me that all that I wrote will become real, if I would really ask the Universe about it!!! It is true, because some of the qualities of my soulmate I have met in the guy, I started dating now!!!!
~ Anya
“I am grateful to have met Meena at a time where I needed help, what kind of help I did not know.
She talked to me briefly about what she does and “I knew that is what I needed”.
It's been 3 weeks and I always feel better about myself after each session.
I know I have a long hard working road ahead of me, but I know I can do it with her help.
I will a write book soon and give you update.
~ Christa M. Congdon, Budd Lake, NJ.
“Meena and her staff, through hard work, tenacity and a love of helping others have taken this non-profit to new heights of success. Over the years she has inspired many to overcome their fears and seek help when they felt hopeless.
I have watched her in action with that special blend of enthusiasm, confidence and strength that attracts others to her and the Foundation. She has a large following and the In Awe Foundation keep growing by leaps and bounds.
I hope those who read this reach out to her and hear her story and her proven methods of Coaching
I wholeheartedly recommend her and her team. She can positively help you reach your goals and the vision of who you want to be.
All The best
~ Richard "Rick" LaFrance, CIC, Vice-president, NE Region, Marsh & McClennan Agency.
I was in an abusive relationship in the past, struggling with my self-esteem and unhealthy habits. I'd like to help others get out of similar situations, this is why I got involved with the In Awe Foundation.
What I've benefited from the In Awe Foundation was meeting people who've been where I was and came out being successful. They're a reminder it's never too late to improve life and to keep doing my best to make a perfect life for me and my daughter.
I encourage everyone to get involved with In Awe Foundation either with time or financial support through our Go Fund Me page at: www.gofundme.com/332r8k because we all have been in or know someone who went through an abusive relationship, have a drug addiction, or have anger management problems. The only way everyone at the In Awe Foundation can continue to help is through your support.
Ellen Rochman
I have known Meena Singh for five years and can wholeheartedly endorse her as an expert in recovery management, coaching and recovery techniques for all those suffering with many forms of addiction and trauma. She is well equipped to guide sufferers and their caregivers through the challenge of alcohol and substance abuse to a cleaner, healthier stable life. This is achieved through a robust process of one-on-one counselling and group workshops.
Ms. Singh is a profound keynote speaker with a dynamic message that frankly makes perfect sense. Her radio show is enthralling and her message is compelling and effective. I would never hesitate to recommend clients to seek her wisdom and I highly recommend her to employers looking for a strategic counsellor or employee whose enthusiasm is matched only by her knowledge and excellence.
Ms. Singh is highly respected, revered and sought after for her passionate stance on recovery. Complete recovery is an essential process that requires a unique person to uncover the issues surrounding the problem and a person with the ability to guide the patient to a state of balanced transformation. Meena quite simply IS that person.
I would be happy to take calls about this remarkable woman. Yours Sincerely,
Christine Mercy Overton, D.D., PhD.
I have thoroughly enjoyed and learned much from the 12 week anger management class offered by Ruth and Meena through In Awe Foundation, Inc.. My problem was, of course, issues with anger. I strongly believed that I was not supposed to get angry, in return I would get upset with myself every time that I did. I have since learned that it is perfectly normal and healthy to get angry. The class has taught me that anger will happen, but it is the manner of how I manage the anger that is the strengthening part. I now embrace the anger. During the course of the class, some weeks would be totally fine while others seemed to be a complete fiasco; however, every Tuesday night that I left anger management class, I felt armed with tools and facts about myself which better prepared me. Ruth and Meena were very sympathetic and understanding as well as to the point. They built me up for ways to deal with the anger as it came. Some fits of anger were managed in a healthy way while others were not. When I would become upset about not the fits that were not managed appropriately I was reassured that it was okay, and that appropriately dealing with anger is something new to my life. I have been handling anger in unhealthy ways for the last 29 years. 12 weeks is just the beginning and I will continue to learn healthy ways to handle the anger. The main thought is that eventually these healthy ways of handling anger will become habitual. This has been a wonderful class and I would strongly recommend it to others who may be struggling with anger as well. Many thanks!
~ Ernie P.
The Anger Management course gave me tools to aid in relieving my anger and dealing with it effectively. Most importantly I learned that the tools are for dealing with the anger, not eliminating it.
~ Rhonda R. ~ NJ
My name is Ruth Glatt. I met Meena Singh because a friend of mine asked me to join him for an evening of coming out and supporting Awe Foundation. I was informed that Meena would be there and she was a life coach. I think we all have an idea of what that means to us. We spoke that evening and I kind of knew that this was right for me. What exactly I was going to do with this time and how it would play out in reality was different than in my head. My first coaching time was about 20 minutes it is amazing how quickly it goes however what is accomplished in this 20 minutes allows you to cut through the clutter in your head. The questions are direct and workable. Basically you are held accountable for what you put out in the universe. It’s like you say it and your coach puts your words into a language that you are both listening to and hearing so you can see how to move forward and what is needed as you take your steps to move forward into being or doing that which you say you want to accomplish.
I am glad I am on this journey. This journey is different for everyone, however I do believe this is a good place to start. Think of it as exercise for the brain and for your well-being and the more you use the tools that are shared with you and you engage in the process the better the results. I believe that I will become clear on what I want and who I am in the matter and be more focused than I have ever been and face my fear head on even if I only do this for a short time. Try it you will not be disappointed. Peace
~Ruth G. ~ PA .
I am a client of Mena Singh, of In Awe Foundation. I'm here to discuss how coaching has changed me and how it is different from therapy and sponsorship.
First let me express how Mena has helped me to become the strong, confident woman of God that I am today.
A little over a year ago I came to Mena full of fear, fear of. Everything, unable to make clear decisions. My self-esteem was very low. I've never been one to think that I was exceptional at anything except motherhood and my job.
Mena realized early on that I needed to be pushed to attain my goals of repairing a broken relationship and attaining self-esteem. She taught me how to not let others take away my power.
Mena Singh of In Awe Foundation encouraged me to research how to talk to difficult people, and showed me how to ask them to respect me and let me finish what I needed to say. I have used these tools, and have been successful most of the time.
When I came to Mena, I felt that I was being taken advantage of by my family, especially by my husband. She taught me how to set boundaries and not to be a door mat. I have to admit my part in this, I allowed myself to be a door mat for way too many years
Another issue that I had was that I felt I had no real joy in my life, so Mena had me research how to find joy in my life. By simply reading the comics, or thanking God that I'm alive and able to pen joy the beautiful scenery on my morning runs.
I have been in therapy for almost 30 years, but have never been given the tools that Mena has suggested. Don't get me wrong, all the therapists that I have worked with over the years have been extremely competent in dealing with my dual diagnosis of depression and anxiety, mostly by listening and empathizing.
My sponsor is positive and supportive and very much supports self-care, those are her gifts. She will often ask me "What does Kate want?” a difficult question to answer.
I have pushed myself to help conquer my fear and also to have fun. I've discovered that parasailing is the most exhilarating activity I've ever done, can't get enough of that feeling of freedom and thrill. Next, I want to move on to flying lessons!
Anyone who has had the pleasure of working with Mena Singh of In Awe Foundation knows that she is passionate about her work. She is determined, compassionate, professional, and will do anything to help you achieve your goals.
I look forward to continuing our work together, the pleasure has been all mine.
~ An anonymous client, New Jersey, USA.
As stated this morning, all your support has been great and there is nothing more you can do to help me stay on the plan. I think the next step would only be for you to do the plan for me! Thank you for always listening and for all the words of encouragements!!
Please feel free to let anyone know how I feel since you have been great!
~ Lorena R., NJ .
Both the one-on-one & group coaching calls as well as the Tuesday night Tele-class calls are very motivating and empowering. I love Meena’s enthusiasm!
Kelly Bonilla ~ MD.
I grew up in an era where you had to finish everything on your plate because other people are starving. And so I learned to eat everything! Over the years I increasingly gained weight. I ate for comfort rather than nutrition most time.
I started volunteering for In Awe Foundation, Inc. which was founded to help individuals who are affected by abuse and/or addiction issues through coaching. One area that is addressed is food addiction. This got my attention.
I tried every diet out there, as well as a starvation regiment. Except for starving myself, most of the diets worked. I lost weight … then gained it back and more!
I began the Take Shape for Life program with my coach, Meena and I lost 15 pounds! I did not do the program perfectly, but I kept getting “back on track with the help of my health coach”. I realized I could help myself stay on track with the weight loss by becoming a health coach myself and paying it forward. I could also help the Foundation by becoming one of an awesome team of coaches. It has turned out to be a win-win-win for all!
Kathy Lawrence.
As a person in long term recovery, I appreciate what the Foundation is doing to help anyone affected
by addiction. If it is the addict himself or anyone within his circle of influence the help is there to deal with the problems.
Anonymous .
Thank you so much for having us on your show, Speak Up and Step Out today! You are an amazing woman, doing a lot of good for many! Keep on with your dream and passion! In Awe Foundation has come a long way and I'm sure we will be working together on future projects that help the community.~ Comments above were posted on Facebook by Julie Parker, Market America Consultant
My observation of the world these past 40 years shows a decline in morality, ethics, and love for our fellow man. The purpose in writing “God for the Modern Woman” is to bring God to the forefront of humanity’s activities in the family structure as well as in society in general. The harmony which exists throughout creation is lost between brothers. Although so many strive to bring peace, without including God in the equation, peace can never come.
I find Meena Singh, founder of In Awe Foundation, to be both an ethical and moral person of strong love and caring for her fellow man. Where else should I have gone to launch “God for the Modern Woman” but to an ethical and honest woman of integrity. I feel confident that my relationship with Ms. Singh, In Awe Foundation.org, and “Speak Up and Step Out” Internet Radio Show via Hunterdon County Chamber Radio, the only chamber that has 24-hour Internet Radio show programming reaching over 6,000 listeners at any given time when interviewees are on air, will rapidly spread the message which “God for the Modern Woman” brings.
Olga Molina Tobin.
From the Desk of Olga Molina Tobin:
Meena Singh is a fire-ball of media knowledge and stamina. She has awakened information stored in my mind for years which have laid dormant and unused. Years ago I was on the Public Relations team handling publicity, contacts and information. Meena has reminded me of so much of the past, but, in addition has added so much more to the agenda. She is a dictionary of Media knowledge. She has pointed me in the right direction. In the past, I didn't have nj.com/, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter. Meena brought me into the 21st Century showing how things are done NOW in 2014. She has shown me how to use the power of the recorded interview on "Speak Up & Step Out" to promote "God for the Modern Woman" and help make it a rousing success.
Being interviewed by Meena Singh on "Speak Up & Step Out" Internet Radio Show has allowed its recorded interview to act as a solid calling card and introduction of my purpose and beliefs in writing "God for the Modern Woman". Now people can listen to my views, from the comfort of their homes, to learn what "God for the Modern Woman" has to say and why I believe it is an important book to read. They will know why I believe "God for the Modern Woman" can assist in the healing of individuals, families, America and the world. I recommend anyone who is interested in an active and successful career to contact Meena Singh, Executive Director at In Awe Foundation, Inc. to get the ball rolling! You cannot miss this amazing opportunity with her!
My appearance tomorrow was set through a friend I've known for years. I am ready to talk about "God for the Modern Woman" even if there are only two women present. I will take photos to document the occasion, since I believe every invitation I receive is a precious gift from God.
As always, I am deeply appreciative of your friendship, help and ideas. God is very much working through you.
May God continue to send His blessings your way.
... I have lost 20 lbs. feeling really good about that I know if i had not met u i would not be here right now i do believe in destiny and you were part of my journey talk soon and many thanks
Carolyn F., ~ Hackettstown, NJ
“Meena is an insightful coach and she always, always, puts the best interest of the client first. She is able to hear what is in the background of someone's concerns and can bring out those topics that will make the most difference for the client. I would highly recommend Meena as Life Coach.”
~ Donna L – NJ
"Meena's energy just rubs off on you! On a bad day, a telephone conversation with her will lighten up your eyes and spark! Her personal journey has enabled her to connect and be relatable to many of her clients. Meena doesn't 'sugar coat' things. She tells you as it is. Meena's candidness makes her a great coach because I personally feel that people hire life coaches to help them sort out their challenges and achieve results. Coaches are not hired to be our best friends. Meena puts you into perspective and challenges you to be the best that you can be. I definitely will work with her again soon!"
~ Zef Z.~ CT
What is most compelling about Meena is her uncanny ability to get to the heart of the matter quickly and her very direct and effective communication. She is fearlessly honest with me but her unconditional acceptance enabled me to be myself around her. I feel safe to tell her anything. I can learn to accept myself and recognize my realty and, therefore, change is possible. I could not have made it through the personal challenges I have faced without her dedication and her gentle prodding to move forward. When fear stopped me dead in my tracks, she always told me to "Do it afraid." She is spectacular. ~ Kathy F., NJ., Jan. 2010
Meena, I love your energy, your enthusiasm, and your directness!
~ Deborah V., NJ.
Meena, Your presentation was excellent.
~ Jon S., CT.
She is a terrific employee. I have no reservations in recommending Meena. She is a definite asset.
~ Maurice H., PA
“Meena has a tremendous amount of energy and passion for her life and for her work - and amazingly, they are one and the same to her. She lives her mission! She is authentic in every way possible and her greatest joy is helping, serving and empowering others. Anyone who works with her will find her contagious - and soon become more inspired to live their dreams than they ever imagined.”
~ Cheryl W., NJ.
"Energy, Leadership, Insight. Meena lives and breathes each of these qualities. No matter how your day may have started, or how you predict it will end, she has a knack for igniting new energy – fuel for new ideas, support to help you reach and dig deeper – no matter how hard your struggle might be. Drawing strength for her own testimony, she understands the power of a fresh open ear – of having someone who has waded through shadows and plowed a few bumps in the road. With an energetic and genuine passion, she stays invested in not only helping you help yourself but helping you to reveal your true purpose. I am honored to not only have her as a colleague but to have also had her as my coach!"
~ Keisha O., NYC.
Let me start with this…THANK YOU for the amazing experience and I couldn't tell you how thankful and delighted I am that you gave me this phenomenal opportunity!
Also WOW...I have to say the way you hosted it, the kind of confidence and your language that you portrayed through the radio was perfect! I was in awe (pun intended) at how amazing YOU were while you were hosting it!
To my experience now, having the opportunity to do it was absolutely unbelievable but I feel like I was able to gain some confidence in getting comfortable with the uncomfortable and at the end I felt great for doing it! It's definitely not every day that an opportunity like that comes by, but after the show was done it was amazing the kind of energy I felt sharing my story especially to strangers! But I hope they can relate to it as well. I’m thankful for YOU again for doing this with me Meena!
Also I have someone I wanted to introduce you to, she has been working with domestic violence and she been advocating laws changes on a national level! Let me know when you have a moment and we can get together and I can have my dad put her on a conference call with us!
Let me know if there is anything else I can do for you Meena!
Vinya Sagi
Purdue University
College of OLS, Entrepreneurship Certification
Founder: Today's Dreamers Tomorrow's Leaders




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