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Our Why's

3 Why's by Cluadia Ehrgott


1. What attracted me to Meena:
Meena and I originally met about 8 years ago when she was first in the process of founding InAwe. She came into my graphics and printing business for help with some marketing materials. We lost touch over the years, but reconnected last year through a couple of mutual acquaintances. We immediately formed a bond and I expressed interest in working and volunteering with Meena and InAwe to advance their visual communication presence and mission of "clarity, simplicity and expandability" through branding and marketing. Meena has an amazing innate energy and warmth that surround all that meet her. She is immensely generous, kind and compassionate. Her intelligence and ability to communicate well are instantly apparent, both qualities I admire and aspire to as personal life goals. It is easy to see how her journey led to the work she is doing with InAwe Foundation.

2. What is attractive about InAwe Foundation:
Life doesn’t always work out as planned or imagined. The greater powers throw both the strong and weak curve-balls that we may or may not be able to “handle”. I am so grateful for having a great life. I have survived and been strengthened by losing my father at age 14, watching "in awe" as my mom raised myself and 3 younger siblings, never complaining or wanting much beyond our means, and ultimately being successful mature adults our dad would be proud of. I have faced emotionally supporting several people close to me over the past few years affected by some of the same challenges confronted by this audience. But, we roll with the punches and adapt and grow. I appreciate InAwe’s mission to help people going through difficult times with a unique approach addressing the disappointment or ineffectiveness of prior counseling methods. I hope to help increase the awareness of the foundation to help others in similar situations, and perhaps increase my own compassion and ability to help myself and others through difficult times to ultimately enjoy a life full of love, enjoyment, vitality and strength

3. Coaching the Heart Model:
As I mentioned, I have personally witnessed failed or incomplete recoveries to life’s challenges. As I am beginning to learn about Meena and InAwe’s Coaching the Heart Model based on writing and journaling, I can see the great possibility for success. In my opinion and brief experiences, those that need help are often bound by denial, guilt and despair. I have always had the belief that the body, mind and spirit can heal and do amazing things. In the thick of despair, many people cannot release themselves to admitting problems and getting the proper help. I love the connection between mental, physical and spiritual energy. As a marathon runner, I have learned my body can do hard things I never imagined it could do, which carried over to many aspects of everyday life. As a small woman-owned business founder and owner for 42+ years in a male-dominated industry, I have also achieved what I may have been too innocent to realize. In the next chapter of my life as a retired business owner, grandmother and volunteer, i hope to make the most of the abilities and talents I was blessed and born with and inspire others to achieve their goals and dreams, which seem in-line with InAwe and Coaching the Heart’s mission.

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Tel: 803-81-IN-AWE

Skype: inawefoundation

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In Awe Foundation, Inc. and Meena Vashi-Moore

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