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Help us, help our clients

Sponsorships make it possible for us to support our clients, and continue growing our AWEsome team by providing a valuable career building experience.  Your
assistance, of any amount, will help make our vision become a true reality. 
Contribute to our mission through Paypal
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In Awe Foundation, Inc. needs your help and financial support. We are a unique 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization whose mission is to encourage, engage, and empower individuals affected by abuse and/or addiction to re-build their lives by the implementation of coaching techniques that will inspire “action” within surrounding communities and become catalysts for change in a multi-cultural society. With the combination of “coaching and counseling” - we will implement the relevant character-building action-based coach-approach. The “accountability with action” built-in to its model assures recovery with personal responsibility, implementation of life building skills which in-turn inspires sustainable change within the individual, family and community.

So many individuals, families and friends have been affected by the disease of addiction.  Alcohol and Illicit drug use in America has been increasing. In 2012, an estimated 23.9 million Americans aged 12 or older—or 9.2 percent of the population—had used an illicit drug or abused a psychotherapeutic medication (such as a pain reliever, stimulant, or tranquilizer) in the past month. This is up from 8.3 percent in 2002. In addition, recent data from the National Institutes of Health reports that 15% of the people living in the United States are considered “problem drinkers”. Of this 15%, 5%-10% are male and 3%-5% are female and could be labeled as “alcoholics”. Another study found that approximately 30% of people in the U.S. report experiencing an alcohol disorder at one point in their lifetime.

The FDA rescinded, for now, its approval of Palcohol, a potent powdered form of alcohol. Additionally, President Obama has made a decision to release from prison over 200,000 drug dealers and addicts, who have been tried and convicted by their peers, whom he deemed unfairly treated. This will flood our streets with pushers and untreated addicts to whom we will provide services with your support.

Since In Awe Foundation, Inc.’s inception in August 2011, it has developed a viable Board of Advisors, a Board of Directors, and a Board of Trustees, a web site:, coaching programs and the weekly radio show called, Speak Up and Step Out via the Hunterdon County Chamber of Commerce can be listened to online at: . However, we have not yet acquired the seed funding necessary to begin the work we wish to do. With your contributions that will ultimately total $1,000,000 - we will be able to rent an office space to work with clients, pay coaching and counseling staff, and increase our outreach workshops for individuals in abusive relationships to break the vicious cycles. Furthermore, with some volunteer one of our supporters created this video here at:

Additional statistics indicate that over 2/3 of America’s population is affected by abuse and/or addiction. Therefore, we believe that our services will positively influence those we’ve helped who will in-turn encourage, engage and empower others to persevere. As they change their lives, to become happy, healthy, and productive members of society future generations will be impacted by paying-it-forward! 

This is a cause worth supporting. Your financial support is crucial. Each one of you has been touched by abuse and/or addiction, the only disease which we deny and tax. So be part of the solution, and contribute to In Awe Foundation, Inc.

Our heartfelt thanks for your contributions and if passing it on to others so together we achieve a common goal to serve others!

Here are 5 ways to make your contributions: 

PayPal, phone, mail (checks or money orders), fax, email (request forms): 


Call: 973-440-8427

In Awe Foundation, Inc.
P.O. Box 5358
Clinton, NJ 08809

Fax: 888-505-9771

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Tel: 803-81-IN-AWE

Skype: inawefoundation

Copyright © 2011-2025. All Rights Reserved

In Awe Foundation, Inc. and Meena Vashi-Moore

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