Awe-Inspiring Daily Quote
You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough. ~ Mae West ⬇️ By donating, you will also be supporting your own community and...

Awe-Inspiring Daily Quote
Think first of the action that is right to take, think later about coping with one's fears. ~ Barbara Deming ⬇️ By donating, you will...

Awe-Inspiring Daily Quote
Find out who you are and do it on purpose. ~ Dolly Parton ⬇️ By donating, you will also be supporting your own community and literally...

Awe-Inspiring Daily Quote
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. ~ Eleanor Roosevelt ⬇️ By donating, you will also be supporting your own...

Awe-Inspiring Daily Quote
Believe me, the reward is not so great without the struggle. ~ Wilma Rudolph ⬇️ By donating, you will also be supporting your own...

Awe-Inspiring Daily Quote
You can't be that kid standing at the top of the waterslide, overthinking it. You have to go down the chute. ~ Tina Fey ⬇️ By donating,...

Awe-Inspiring Daily Quote
We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating...

Awe-Inspiring Daily Quote
The first step to getting the things you want out of life is this: Decide what you want. ~ Ben Stein ⬇️ By donating, you will also be...

Awe-Inspiring Daily Quote
The spirit, the will to win, and the will to excel are the things that endure. These qualities are so much important than the events that...

Awe-Inspiring Daily Quote
Don't worry about being worried. You're heading out on an adventure and you can always change your mind along the way and try something...