Awe-Inspiring Daily Quote
" The only way to have a friend is to be one. " - Ralph Waldo Emerson ⬇️ By donating, you will also be supporting your own community and...

Awe-Inspiring Daily Quote
" Work spares us from three evils: boredom, vice and need. " - Voltaire ⬇️ By donating, you will also be supporting your own community...

Awe-Inspiring Daily Quote
"To be a champion, you have to believe in yourself when nobody else will." - Sugar Ray Robinson ⬇️ By donating, you will also be...

Awe-Inspiring Daily Quote
"Self-realizations are sensed when there's a connection in your body (vehicle), heart and mind (feelings > emotions - visible externally...

Awe-Inspiring Daily Quote
“Focus on this once every day for the next 31 days: write one phrase or sentence of one thing you saw or sensed beauty in today.” -...

Awe-Inspiring Daily Quote
“Writing your definition of being healthy in a word or a phrase will increase that desire, and it’ll be brought it to you.” - Meena...

Awe-Inspiring Daily Quote
"Believe you can and you're halfway there." ~ Anonymous ⬇️ By donating, you will also be supporting your own community and literally...

Awe-Inspiring Daily Quote
"Never give up on something that you can't go a day without thinking about." - Sir Winston Churchill ⬇️ By donating, you will also be...

Awe-Inspiring Daily Quote
"We must embrace pain and burn it as fuel for our journey." - Kenji Miyazawa ⬇️ By donating, you will also be supporting your own...

Awe-Inspiring Daily Quote
"Remember, asking for help is more effective when we’re engaged in the action ourself, no matter what the crowd or at times the family or...