Awe-Inspiring Daily Quote
“It’s always the tangible things in life that take a longer period of time, than a thought does.” - Meena Vashi-Moore ...

Awe-Inspiring Daily Quote
“Intangible things, like thoughts are at the core of anything that is tangible and touchable.” - Meena Vashi-Moore ...

Awe-Inspiring Daily Quote
“Consider this: Are all tangible things around you something you still desire or a necessity?” - Meena Vashi-Moore ...

Awe-Inspiring Daily Quote
“Remember, the tangible stuff is not always what your heart is seeking.” - Meena Vashi-Moore ⬇️ By donating, you...

Awe-Inspiring Daily Quote
“Memories cause us to feel glad, mad or sad; yet it’s our decisions that create future ones.” - Meena Vashi-Moore ...

Awe-Inspiring Daily Quote
“Adversities teach us to either accept or adjust if, the things we did were ego-driven, which then teach us to be spiritually-focused on...

Awe-Inspiring Daily Quote
“Few things in life must be perfect, except knowing what the intention is behind fulfilling a vision.” - Meena Vashi-Moore ...

Awe-Inspiring Daily Quote
“A mind that is able to adapt to imperfections can achieve more than was previously imagined.” - Meena Vashi-Moore ⬇️ By...

Awe-Inspiring Daily Quote
"In times of great stress or adversity, it's always best to keep busy, to plow your anger and your energy into something positive. ” -...

Awe-Inspiring Daily Quote
"The secret of joy in work is contained in one word - excellence. To know how to do something well is to enjoy it.” Pearl S. Buck ...