Awe-Inspiring Daily Quote
"All actions or reactions arise from beliefs! And beliefs are born from streams of similar thoughts which then yield to an external...
Awe-Inspiring Daily Quote
“Appreciation is a boomerang, as it’s expressed through you, it fills your heart and theirs. So, start with the tiniest thing and be a...
Awe-Inspiring Daily Quote
“When unsure of a decision, if we remember desire is what’ll lead, yet it’s essential to be mindful of your intentions.” - Meena...
Awe-Inspiring Daily Quote
“We’re all on this planet to lead and love unconditionally, so let’s do it!” - Meena Vashi-Moore ⬇️ By donating, you will also be...
Awe-Inspiring Daily Quote
“Let’s all remember anger is only an emotion it’s up to us to realize it as it bubbles up and step back from whatever or whomever we need...
Awe-Inspiring Daily Quote
“Overthinking leads us to false beliefs like, we’re in control. In reality, practicing discernment lets emotions settle as we step back...
Awe-Inspiring Daily Quote
“Curiousity coupled with a few committed citizens gives birth to innovations that change our society with new systems.” - Meena...
Awe-Inspiring Daily Quote
“As self-confidence grows, the judgmental attitude diminishes; with honesty and humility leading you to every choice helping you soar...
Awe-Inspiring Daily Quote
“One key to living peacefully, is to let things be, and know new things are unfolding to replace the old.” - Meena Vashi-Moore ⬇️ By...
Awe-Inspiring Daily Quote
“I’d rather write on about my dreams, rather than to be right about things I may neither have experience nor knowledge.” - Meena...